Rock Climbing Camps

rock climbing camps – Deer Crossing Wilderness Camp. At Deer Crossing, we are surrounded by awesome climbing sites, from small 15-foot beginner walls to 50- and 75-foot intermediate walls and big 100-foot walls. No manufactured climbing wall is necessary. Beginners start with an introduction to climbing where they learn about equipment, how to tie basic knots, climbing etiquette, and safety principles. Then students move to the beginner’s wall and learn how to set protection, belaying commands, and climbing techniques. When climbers are ready, they graduate to the intermediate walls at Frogstone, Cypress, Lagoon, and Vertical Heaven. Advanced climbs are done at Dragon’s Lair with 100-foot climbs, depending on campers’ abilities.

Safety, safety, safety. All climbs at Deer Crossing are belayed by qualified instructors using Gri-gris, a mechanical belaying device noted for its reliability. Even when campers are taught to belay, an experienced instructor is part of the loop. Climbers are protected with a top-rope climbing system. When climbers practice rappelling, they have a second rope attached to an instructor’s belaying system for security. Every climb has three solid anchor points. All equipment is inspected before each climb and all sites have been choreographed multiple times. This means they are analyzed for the best way to set protection. They are then diagrammed, sketched and photographed, followed by an OK from an experienced safety officer. New routes become available only after careful analysis.

Deer Crossing is a great place for both beginners and skilled climbers. Advanced campers can learn belaying, leading, equipment inspection, Hollywood climbing, Tyrolean traverse, and vertical rescue skills. These skills are perfect for both personal and team use. Our goal is to train well-rounded, safety-conscious climbers.
Our 2-week overnight camp sessions offer half day outings for youth climbing on magnificent granite walls around camp. Then towards the end of each session we run 3-day, 2-night rock-climbing trips. We backpack to stunning multi-pitch routes on the edge of Desolation Wilderness, climb all day, and sleep out under the stars.